Somenthing More about the Chianti Classico Region

Somenthing More about the Chianti Classico Region

Many people tends to believe that 1716 was the date of birth of the region of Chianti Classico, and in fact it was in that year that the boundaries of this region were defined.
But the type of organization in terms of legislation that is most similar to what we have today was born later. We are talking about the early 1900s.
Since the production of the territory was not able to meet the growing demand at that time, wine began to be produced, with the systems and blends used in Chianti, also in the other part of toscany, obtaining products that, at first, were called " all'uso Chianti" , and later, were even sold as Chianti.
The famous wine produced in the Chianti geographical area was then "imitated" in other parts of Tuscany, making it necessary to create a body to protect it from plagiarism.
The famous wine produced in the geographical area of Chianti was therefore "imitated" in other parts of Tuscany, making it necessary to create a body to protect it from plagiarism. To this end, on 14 May 1924 a group of 33 producers founded the Consortium for the defence of Chianti wine and its brand of origin. In 1932, an interministerial decree granted the wine from the oldest area of origin, Chianti, the right to use the specification 'Classico' because it was produced in the historic area. It was therefore on this occasion that the designation Chianti Classico was first finalised.
Initially, Chianti Classico was not part of a specific appellation, but was a sub-denomination of the broader Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) Chianti (authorised by Presidential Decree 9 August 1967), and was reserved exclusively for wines produced in the Classico sub-zone.
The Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) Chianti was authorised by Presidential Decree of 2 July 1984 and subsequent amendments. In that authorisation there was a single production specification covering all the sub-zones, including therefore Classico
Anyway we consider in general the 1716 the date of the foundation and actually we are proud to say that the system of 1716 was basically some kind of DOCG ante litteram.
That's the reason most of the wine expert consider the Chianti Classico Area as the oldest wine region\wine appellation of the entire world when it comes about dry wines.

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